Utah Society for Histotechnology
Where Every Slide Is A Life!

Mission Statement
The Utah Society for Histotechnology is a volunteer 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to representing and promoting the advancement of the Histotechnology profession in the State of Utah. The Society actively pursues this by: offering educational opportunities, advocating on behalf of its members, and increasing the awareness of the general public and other health care professionals about the Histotechnology discipline. The Society is open to those in the Histotechnology discipline (voting members) as well as those in associated clinical laboratory disciplines and those interested in supporting the Society (non-voting members).

Message from the President
2020 and 2021 were definitely challenging years! We all had to make adjustments to our plans and priorities - the Society included. We have every hope that 2022 will be better! We look forward to reconnecting with each of you whether that is in person at our Fall 2022 meeting (fingers crossed) or virtually.